Your guide to lasting
Contentment & Inner Peace.

To listening, loving, and letting go.

When was the last time that you felt truly well?

When was the last time your heart was wide open?

When was the last time you danced like nobody was watching?

Phil Hendrix Coaching

My name is Phil, and I’m a certified life coach. For the last 5 years, I’ve dedicated myself to the question of what peace feels like, and how it is achieved. What I’ve discovered is that peace isn’t just the absence of struggle. It isn’t a neutral state. It actually feels amazing! It’s blissful, it’s vibrant, it’s electric, and it’s full of potential.

And you don’t need to become a hermit or meditate 18 hours a day to find it. Peace is available to you wherever you are. In fact, the more at peace you are, the more effectively you’ll be able to deal with the challenges of your life. It makes you more productive, more successful, and a more radiant, positive influence on the world around you. 

So, how can you feel more at peace?

Well, there’s a level of peace that is simply the acceptance of what is, and the dropping of wanting and resistance. This is a great place to start. To really embody the state of peace, though, a longer process is needed, one of inner healing, of purifying the mind and body, and of self-mastery. It’s a deep inner journey, and it requires courage and dedication. At the same time, it’s actually quite a simple process. There’s a small number of basic skills and qualities that I call your superpowers. If you can learn and practice those, then over time the impact on your well-being and your life will be extraordinary. 

My flagship program, “A Path To Peace”, is devoted to transmitting these superpowers to you and giving you a tangible path to contentment, serenity, and bliss. Along the way, you might notice some other benefits: 

  • Heart opening and abundant love

  • Mental clarity and ability to focus

  • Feeling light & comfortable in your body

  • Freedom to be yourself and to live an epic life

  • Enjoying and fully experiencing the moment

  • More intimate and fulfilling relationships

  • Feeling more youthful and alive

  • Experiencing the world as more benevolent

  • Access to deeper wisdom and inspiration

  • Ability to console, uplift, and inspire others

If you’re interested in learning more, you can schedule a free 60-minute introductory chat and see if we’re a good fit.