These Programs Work.

Here’s what former clients have to say about working with me.


“Having spent 25 years with mental health struggles (ranging from moderate to severe), a suicide attempt aged 23, and many years following this with psychiatry, CBT, counseling and medication, I was a little bit skeptical about what life coaching could do… and then I met Phil! Within the past 3 months, Phil has changed my life! I have gradually weaned myself off much of my medication, and I feel for the first time, that I will be able to get off my final medication completely, in the coming months, when the time is right.

Phil has opened my eyes to a new way of understanding the world and myself. His calm, kind and welcoming approach makes me feel safe and cared for. I have been able to show vulnerability with no fear at all, and he has comforted me whilst giving me insight into how I can manage the feelings I am feeling.

Despite my family going through the most uncertain and potentially anxiety-inducing few months ever (losing house and job, with uncertainty as to what is coming next) my anxiety has actually been about 10% of what it has been for decades in more certain times. I have managed to grow my nails for the first time in decades (persistent nail-biter) even in the midst of life’s turmoil.

Each module has been perfectly compiled and timed, with helpful and meaningful ‘homework’ which consolidates what we speak about in sessions and gives me ownership in managing things in my own time.

Phil is always interested in how we’re doing outside of our actual sessions, and provides love and encouragement whenever we’re in contact.

My skepticism is entirely gone. So much so, that I hope one day that I can train to be a life coach, to allow me to provide the positive change and empowerment that Phil has given me.

There are no words to fully to enable me to describe how much I recommend Phil. To anyone and everyone.

He has a magical presence; he has love and wisdom in abundance.

Phil has changed my life and given me the tools to keep being a better version of myself.

When life allows, I cannot wait to go on to a second program with Phil.

There are very few people in the world with the magic that Phil exudes. And if you’re a sceptic like me? Give it one session and your fears will disappear!

One piece of advice I would give to anyone embarking on this exciting adventure is to do the homework! Give it everything and you will get everything in return.

You won’t regret it!”

Jess C, Teacher and Houseparent (UK)

“Prior to working with Philip, I think all my relationships had an element of codependency on my end. I noticed myself compromising with my partner, and complaining about it to friends. Philip gave me the distinction between my relationship “Manual” and my relationship “Standards.” With this clarity, I was able to terminate a relationship with love and understanding. It was my first time ending a relationship actually! And tears fell out of my eyes, because I grieved the loss, but I felt strong and powerful and glad that I was true to myself.

I was feeling down on myself because a friend was upset that I didn’t understand or empathize with her fully. Through the coaching, Philip asked me, “Who made the rule that all friends are supposed to understand and empathize with each other all the time?” Philip helped me see that I had an invisible undistinguished rule for myself that was making me feel lousy, and by getting clarity that I had made the rule. I also got empowered to make better rules that support me instead.

I was struggling with upset about an event that happened, and I was frustrated with myself for still being upset about it weeks later! Philip gently helped me separate the original pain from the frustration about the pain. Then with Philip’s support and guidance, he ushered me through allowing the painful experience to penetrate and permeate and move through me. Afterwards, he guided me to find the original source wound from childhood and coached me through how to nurse, nurture, heal this inner wound.”

Padma Fischer-White - Founder of Halio International School, and long-term Buddhist practitioner

I’m passionate about the work I do, and I can truly help you to feel lighter, more free, more loving, and more at peace. If you’re feeling motivated to work with me, please reach out or schedule your free 60 minute session today.