Love Letters from the New Age

Here, you’ll find new articles catered to working professionals interested in integrating spirituality into their lives. This is what I wish I’d known when I was a consultant.

Phil Hendrix Phil Hendrix

Choose Love Over Fear

At any moment, you’re being fueled either by love or by fear. It will always serve you better to come from a place of love, and this is as true in the workplace as it is anywhere else. Let me explain.

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Phil Hendrix Phil Hendrix

Your Boss’ Emotions Are Not Your Fault

You are not responsible for the emotions of your boss, your supervisor, your client, or anyone else, for that matter. If you have someone in your work life who is upset with you, frustrated, disappointed, annoyed, even worried, please know that how they feel is on them, not you.

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Phil Hendrix Phil Hendrix

Weekly Series - Love Letters from the New Age

I’m a former management consultant, and I currently work as a life coach and a musician. My mission is to open my heart, to find deeper and deeper levels peace within myself, and to inspire others to do the same, so that together we can create a more peaceful planet.

For the last few years, I’ve been living and breathing New Age Spirituality…

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Phil Hendrix Phil Hendrix

You Are More Than Your Last Performance Review

You are more than your last performance review. You may think that nothing matters but how well you’re doing in your job, but that’s not true. You have just as much right to take up space as anyone else, regardless of your performance…

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