Choose Love Over Fear

Dear Soul,

At any moment, you’re being fueled either by love or by fear. It will always serve you better to come from a place of love, and this is as true in the workplace as it is anywhere else. Let me explain.

When I say fear in this context, I’m using it as an umbrella term for all of the energies that come from a place of lack and separation. This includes anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, apathy, anger, and even pride. When I say love, I’m referring to the energy present when you engage in the world with an open heart. According to Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul, the natural state of the heart is love, openness, joy, energy, and inspiration. So, what does it mean to move through the work day with an open heart? It means:

  1. Being curious, interested, even fascinated by what you’re doing.

  2. Enjoying the experience, because even tasks as mundane as typing on a keyboard can be pleasurable when you’re truly present.

  3. Slowing down, taking breaks, and making room for inspired ideas to come through. If you think that you don’t have time for that, you might consider the following question: How many times has one really good idea save you a ton of time and added more value than days of uninspired work?

  4. Engaging with coworkers and clients as human beings, as sources of information, feedback, and support, rather than as threats or nuisances.

  5. Honoring yourself, taking care of yourself, and doing what it takes to fill your own cup.

  6. Living the values that are dear to you (service, empathy, fairness, reliability, authenticity, generosity, etc.).

  7. Waking up in the morning open and excited for whatever comes your way, and going to sleep at night grateful for the blessings of that day.

As you reflect on how you show up in the workplace, you might notice some areas where you could choose love more often. You might also have the sense that this just isn’t feasible or possible for you. If that’s the case, then I invite you to consider that fear always pretends to be more useful, and more necessary, than it really is. That’s how it keeps its hold on you. When I reflect on my time as a consultant, I have to laugh at how supremely unproductive I was when I was stressed and anxious. And the successes – the moments of insight, quality, and real value addition – they mostly came when I was relaxed and curious.

Choosing love is often an act of deep surrender and trust. It can feel vulnerable, undeserved, and certainly unsafe. If you take that leap, though, you might just discover a whole new world of possibility not only regarding how you perform, but also regarding how you feel. What if you could feel safe, motivated, and full of love and joy? And what if that actually made you better at what you do?

Now, if you find yourself lost in fear – if it really doesn’t feel like a choice – then, you can start by choosing to love your fear. Listen to the part of you that’s in fear. Be kind to that part of you. Give it what it needs. If you can do that, you’ll find that every triggering moment, and every ‘hard’ part of your day, is an also opportunity to love yourself more deeply, an opportunity to heal.

I’d like to let you know that I can help you make that transition from fear to love. I can help you to heal, and to move towards greater peace and productivity. My 1:1 and group coaching programs are designed to be compatible even with a busy work schedule (as long as you have time on the weekends and just a little bit of time every day). So, if you’re curious, all the links that you need are here. I’m launching the next cohort of my group program the week of August 7th. We still have spots left, and I’d love to welcome you into this community.

Peace & Love,


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