May your essence inspire others.

My Mission

To promote peace from the inside out.

I’m devoted to making this world a peaceful place. I believe deeply in the power of extraordinary individuals to transform the spaces they are in, and I’ve put my heart and soul into programs which give those who are ready a way to become an extraordinary, radiant, peaceful presence. 

I’ll be honest with you: I have big dreams. I see thousands of healing centers all around the world. I see spaces where authentic connection and joyful celebration are a part of daily life. I see people taking pleasure in life. I see places rich with beauty and harmony, places that feel like paradise. I see a movement that changes the structure of society and sets people free. I know that it takes more than one person to create this, but in the words of John Lennon, “I’m not the only one.” 

If you’re curious about my story, you can read more here.

My Approach

In order to make lasting change, you must
address all aspects of your being.

  • My coaching is rooted in mindset coaching. I am trained to be able to show you exactly how you are creating the reality that you’re living in, and to guide you into a way of thinking that serves you. In terms of specific frameworks, I use “The Model”, a framework developed by Brooke Castillo and similar to tools you’ll see in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and The Work of Byron Katie, a spiritually informed and highly practical method.

  • One of my gifts is to help those who are ready to come out of their minds and into their bodies, to connect with their emotions, and to liberate themselves from the baggage of the past. I’m a highly sensitive person, and I’ve supplemented my intuitive understanding of energy with a set of practical “letting go” procedures known as The Sedona Method.

  • I believe that the body is a temple, and that peace is an experience that can be felt. I am passionate about somatic work, and I have completed a training in the “Foundations in Trauma Awareness”. I endeavor to create safe containers and to incorporate various techniques designed to help you recognize triggers and regulate your nervous system.

  • I do not claim to be an energy healer, nor do I work with spirit guides or channel specific deities. With that said, I have had quite a few profound spiritual experiences, particularly through my work with psychedelics and plant medicines. I have a relationship with the Divine, and I can help you to develop a direct, embodied connection as well. I also believe in many ancient and New-Age concepts like the Chakra System, the Law of Attraction, and the reality of reincarnation, and these concepts do inform my coaching and my programs. Rest assured, though, I’m not asking you to believe everything I say or to convert to any particular ideology, and you can have powerful, transformational sessions no matter what your spiritual and religious beliefs are.

Radical Empowerment

I believe that every trigger and every adversity is an opportunity to heal and grow. Peace is achieved by overcoming one problem at a time. In order to do that, though, you have to be willing to take responsibility for the life you have. You have to be open to the possibility that you created your experience, that you attracted what you have, and that everything is there to teach you something. In other words, let go of victimhood, and assume your position as the powerful creator you truly are. 

Grounded in Love

My approach to coaching ultimately consists of 3 things: listening, loving, and letting go. Through deep listening, we’re able to uncover deeper layers of truth. Through love, we’re able to heal and find appreciation and compassion for what is. And by letting go, we’re able to liberate ourselves, to reveal more and more of our authentic essence, and to experience unconditional joy and bliss. When you practice these 3 habits in your life, then every moment can bring you closer to peace. 

My Background

  • Certified Life Coach through Brooke Castillo’s “The Life Coach School”

    Trained facilitator of The Sedona Method

    Trained in the “Foundations of Trauma Awareness”

    Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Practitioner through Achology - The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology

  • Peace Corps Volunteer (2018-2020)

    Associate Consultant at Bain & Company (2015-2017)

    Graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst College (2014)

  • In my free time, I’m a singer/songwriter and Kirtan leader. I also love to meditate, play sports, listen to music, and watch cheesy romantic dramas.