
Liberate the mind. Open the heart.
Heal the body.

A Path To Peace
Part 1: The Inner Work

Develop the essential tools & concepts of personal development, including visioning, managing your mind, regulating your nervous system, processing emotions, and stepping into your power.

A Path To Peace
Part 2: A Spiritual Journey

Open your heart, find your calling, awaken to your true nature, and discover your creative potential. This paves the way for you to live in ease and abundance and become an embodiment of Peace & Love.

Life Transition &
Integration Package

Process a transformative experience (plant medicine, meditation retreat, etc.); shine light on your blind spots; and integrate the insights, the energy, and the new way of being into your life.

A Path To Peace

This isn’t a yoga & meditation course. It’s a holistic approach that guides you to purify yourself and expand your being on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It’s an initiation into a balanced life, and it’s a transmission of the essential skills you need to turn every challenge and every obstacle in your life into a vehicle for healing and evolution.

Drawing from the worlds of life coaching, trauma recovery, ancient religions, and new-age spirituality, this program aims to give you what you need to become your highest vision for yourself and ultimately help to lead others into a more peaceful, more loving, more joyful future.

A Path To Peace is divided into two parts. The first is “The Inner Work”, which focuses on the basic skills you need to find inner balance and thrive in this world. Once you’ve completed “The Inner Work” (or a similar set of trainings), you’re eligible to join “A Spiritual Journey”, which offers a structured, cohesive approach to living a spiritual life, from opening your heart to discovering your true nature.

Both courses are currently available on a 1:1 basis and as group programs. They each follow the same structure. Over 12 weeks, you’ll have 6 live hour-long coaching calls, one every other week. Individual calls are 60-75 minutes, and group calls are 60-90 minutes. In between calls, you’ll have suggested reading, daily practice exercises, and weekly reflection exercises. I’ll also be available should you have any questions or need extra support.

The courses are compatible with a busy work schedule. For example, the daily practice takes as little as 15 minutes a day, and you can save the more involved practices for 1-2 hour periods over the weekend. Overall, you can expect a time commitment of 4-8 hours per week.

For more information on the program structure and benefits, you can check out, my Introduction To Holistic Life Coaching or the Program Overview, and for more detail about the group call format, you can check out the Group Call Structure & Agreements.

Signs that you’re a good fit

  • You feel moved to become a peaceful presence in the world, and to play your part to bring healing to the spaces you are in.

  • You’re ready to make inner peace a top priority, and you believe that your inner healing will improve your professional performance and your impact in the world.

  • You’re ready to develop a consistent inner practice, to follow through, and to trust the process.

  • You believe that, to truly heal, you have to address all aspects of your being: the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual.

  • You want to deepen your spirituality in a way that is down-to-earth and integrated into daily life.

  • You are willing to be wrong and to embrace a beginner’s mindset, but also willing to question what you hear and find what’s true for you.

  • You’re ready to explore the depths of your mind, to experience the full force of your emotions, and to let go of who you are not so you can discover who you are.

Signs that these programs can help you

  • You long for calm, serenity, tranquility, contentment, and even bliss. 

  • You’re having a hard time accepting yourself and the circumstances of your life. 

  • You struggle at times with anxiety and/or depression. 

  • More than anything, you just want to feel ok, like everything is going to be fine. 

  • You feel there are parts of yourself (love, joy, creativity) that you’ve lost along the way. 

  • You know you’re capable of doing more, feeling more, and being more yourself. 

  • You feel that you don’t have the energy and enthusiasm you used to have. 

  • You want to be a better person for yourself, for your colleagues, and for your loved ones.  

If you’re interested in learning more, you can book a free 60 minute introductory session and see if we’re a good fit!

Life Transition &
Integration Package

Integration is an essential part of transformation. Without it, you may find that your expanded state gradually erodes and you end up back in old habits and familiar ways of being. This program can help you to make the most of your journey, to live what you learned, and to bring that peak experience into your daily life. It’s perfect for those who have just completed a Meditation Retreat, Yoga Teacher Training, Tantra Immersion, Plant Medicine Ceremony, and even a major life transition.

Over 3 sessions, you’ll be guided to:

  1. Make sense of the experience, uncover blind spots, and set an intention for how you’ll align your life to this new way of being.

  2. Ground yourself, regulate your nervous system, and come back to the present.

  3. Hold space for yourself and release the emotions and stories that no longer serve you.

If you think this might be what you need, sign up for a session today - no strings attached!