Weekly Series - Love Letters from the New Age

Hi, my name is Phil.

I’m a former management consultant, and I currently work as a life coach and a musician. My mission is to open my heart, to find deeper and deeper levels peace within myself, and to inspire others to do the same, so that together we can create a more peaceful planet.

For the last few years, I’ve been living and breathing New Age Spirituality. I’ve taken psychedelics. I’ve co-facilitated Tantra retreats. I’ve chanted mantras. I’ve participated in cacao ceremonies and gone to ecstatic dances. I’ve explored all sorts of meditations and holistic therapies. I’ve met shamans, energy healers, spiritual channels, raw vegans, clairsentients, and self-proclaimed witches. I have had my consciousness expanded by so many wonderful spaces and inspiring souls, and I am so grateful for the person I have become and the person I’m becoming.

As I continue my exploration and my self-discovery, I’m feeling called to share what I am learning with those of you who may not have the time or the access to these spaces, and I want to do my best to translate the profound wisdom that I have been given into a language that’s practical for working professionals. In other words, I’m going to advocate for spirituality in the workplace, and I’m going to show you how these New Age concepts can make a meaningful improvement in your well-being and in your team’s productivity.

This is more than an intellectual exercise for me. It’s personal. Before I started on my spiritual life, I was really suffering. I had chronic anxiety, I lacked purpose, I felt disconnected from my peers, and my health was deteriorating on every level. I used to have fantasies of smashing my laptop against the corner of my desk. My chest was so tight that at times it felt like my heart was being pierced with a needle, and the worst part was that all of this felt normal to me. I could barely conceive of a reality where I felt truly safe at work, where I enjoyed what I did, where I felt inspired and fulfilled.

Looking back at those days, I have so much compassion for the person I was then. The guy was doing the best he could. He just didn’t have the tools or the wisdom to cope with what life was throwing at him. I would love to go back in time and be the mentor he needed. Of course, I can’t do that. What I can do is share what I know with you, and if even one person out there gets something that changes how they move through their corporate life for the better, then it will have been worth it.

So, welcome to this series: a love letter to my former self, and my best attempt to bridge the gap between the New Age and the corporate world. I hope you get some value from it, and if you have any questions or topics you’d love me to cover, please reach out.

Peace & Love,


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